Adult Basketball Team League
Team Basketball League
Register | Registration Form | Roster Form | League Schedule and Standings | Free Agents
VRD's adult basketball league offers a dynamic and competitive environment for basketball enthusiasts of all skill levels. Participants can enjoy a structured league that emphasizes both the thrill of the game and the camaraderie among teammates. The league features regular games, playoffs, and championship events, ensuring that each season is packed with excitement and opportunities for players to showcase their abilities. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the sport, VRD provides an excellent platform to engage in the love of basketball. The league is limited to 8 teams with an 8-week regular season and single-elimination playoffs.
- Dates: Sunday, January 19 to Sunday, March 23 (no play on President's Weekend - February 16).
- Times: 6, 7, 8 and 9 p.m.
- Location: Homestake Peak School Main Gym.
- Cost: $610 or $560 for Vail Recreation District taxpayer.
- Registration Deadline: January 15, 2025, or until the league is full.
- Roster Size: 5 players on the court per team
Game Play
- 5 on 5
- Games will consist of two (2) 20 minute halves.
- The clock is a running clock until the last two (2) minutes of the game's second half.
- Exceptions: Game clock will continue running if the score differential is 14 points or more
- Halftime is 5 minutes in length - time permitting
- Three (3) point baskets are in effect
Time Outs
- Each team has two (2) 30 second time outs per half. time outs are not cumulative.
- Each team has one (1) time out for overtime period.
- Overtime consists of one (1) 5-minute period
- Clock stops for last minute of play.
- Each team has one (1) time out for overtime period.
- Playoff Format - Number of teams in league and number of games on the schedule will determine how many teams make the playoffs. Team rank is determined by:
- Overall league record (W-L)
- Head-to-head record (W-L)
- Forfeitures
- Points spread in head-to-head matchups
- "Points For" in overall league games
- "Points Against" in overall league games
- Awards will be given to the team that wins the tournament
This league follows all High School Federation Rules, apart from exceptions listed below
League Rules
- All managers are responsible for providing league rules to each player on a team's roster. This includes providing explanations & information on rules, managing the conduct of team players, and enforcing of all league rules and policies for a team and its rostered players.
- All teams are required, and must wear, similar colored jerseys with permanently attached numbers. No Jersey, No Numer, No Play! (numbered scrimmage wests may be borrowed).
- All players must be on your team rosters to play (name & signiture listed on team roster). Completed rosters must be turned in to the league supervisor prior to your first game. New player additions may be added to a roster. Penalty for violation or using an illegal player (a player not on the roster) is an automatic forfeit.
- Players may only play on one team in the course of the season
- Leagues are for adults 18 years of age and older. All players must bring a pictured ID with their birth date to their games. Players under the age of 18 may play with approval from league supervisor and waiver signed by player's parent or legal guardian.
- The time listed on scheules marks "game time." Teams will forfeit if less than a full team (5 players on team's roster) is not ready to play at "game time."
- Gym Shoes are required - No black soled shoes or hiking boots allowed to play on the basketball court.
- Substitutions must check-in at the scorer’s table and must wait until the referee calls them in.
- No smoking, tobacco products, or alcoholic beverages allowed on HSPE and/or BMHS property - This is Colorado State Law!
- Any team which forfeits a game will be charged $50 to cover VRD referee and scorekeeper expenses. A second forfeit during the same season will result in that team's disqualification from the league.
Fouls & Penalties
If a player is involved in a fight or altercation (physical or verbal) with any other player, game official, or VRD employee, he or she will receive an immediate game ejection and suspended from future play. Ejected players must leave the gym facility immediately. League Coordinator reserves the right to suspend any ejected player for any amount of games
- During free throws:
- Players may move out of the lane after the release of the ball
- Penalty Shot from team fouls:
- One (1) shot awarded on the 7th team foul per half
- Two (2) shots awarded on the 10th team foul per half
- Technical Foul - Automatic 2 points plus ball possession at half court
- First (1st) unsportsmanlike technical foul of the season will result in: player(s) ejected from the game
- Second (2nd) unsportsmanlike technical foul of the seaeson will result in: player(s) suspended from the league play for the season. Suspension under further review by league officials
- All technical fouls are personal and team fouls. If a team accumulates two (2) unsportsmanlike technical fouls during one game, that team forfeits
- A player will be ejected from a game for the following:
- One (1) unsportsmanlike technical foul
- Abuse toward any official, player, fan, or VRD employee
- Any ejected player will not be permitted to play in his team's next scheduled game
- NO DUNKING!! Dunks (or attempted dunks) result in a "no basket" call AND a technical foul.
- Jump Balls result in alternating possessions, to not extend time of play.
Shot Clock: 30 second shot clock will be enforced in the last 2 minutes of the 2nd half.
Free Agent Sign Up is closed
If you don't have an entire team to register, you can sign up as a free agent.
- Free agent teams will be created and facilitated through the VRD
- Once on a team, free agents must pay the team registration fees (split equally between all team members)
- Free Agent rosters will range from 5-9
- Free agents must plan to play each week. Missing 1 game without communicating will result in a warning, missing 2 games without communicating will result in being removed from the team
2024-25 open gym for indoor basketball starts on Monday, November 18, 2024. There is no open gym basketball on Dec. 30, 2024.
VRD offers drop-in basketball on Monday evenings at Red Sandstone Elementary School throughout the winter and spring months.
- Dates: Monday nights throughout the winter/spring.
- Time: 6 to 9 p.m.
- Location: Red Sandstone Elementary, 551 N Frontage Rd W, Vail, CO 81657
- Cost: $6/person (a 10-day pass is available for volleyball/basketball/soccer for $50)
Please contact Sports at with questions