Results for the Men's Beginner
East - West
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
1. 207 Ben Suttor Vail Junior Cycling MBG 24:55 100
2. 206 Wyatt Young Vail Junior Cycling MBG 25:38 85
3. 546 Porter Middaugh Pedal Power MBG 25:54 80
4. 6867 Ethan Barber Vail Junior Cycling MBG 25:59 75
5. 197 Ethan Zeeb MBG 27:25 70
6. 6716 Cole Flashner Vssc MBG 27:26 65
7. 6874 Charlie Schafer Vail Junior Cycling MBG 27:31 60
8. 624 Cooper Smith Vail Junior Cycling MBG 28:10 55
9. 552 Matt Cairns Pedal Power MBG 28:43 50
10. 507 Bobby L'heureux East West Hospitality MBG 29:12 45
11. 6709 Brett Ulrich MBG 30:51 40
12. 6877 Jake Linscott MBG 33:15 35
13. 455 Ivo Ivanov Vail Health MBG 33:49 30
14. 598 Jeff Owens Vail Health MBG 33:54 25
15. 6871 Ty Fugate Vms MBG 37:22 20
Results for the Women's Beginner
East - West
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
1. 6870 Nikka Kaufman Vail Junior Cycling WBG 29:18 85
2. 586 Keely Hendricks Vail Junior Cycling WBG 31:32 75
3. 600 Stella Sanders-KuleszThe Cycle Effect WBG 31:33 65
4. 218 Lilo Andrade The Cycle Effect WBG 32:14 55
5. 558 Samantha Lathram Vail Junior Cycling WBG 32:50 45
6. 214 Karen Sandoval The Cycle Effect WBG 32:51 35
7. 471 Reece May The Cycle Effect WBG 33:48 25
8. 429 Valarie Blevins WBG 34:02 15
9. 170 Luisa Raynal The Cycle Effect WBG 35:53 5
10. 474 Iara Melgarejo The Cycle Effect WBG 38:21 5
11. 148 Iris Jaquez The Cycle Effect WBG 42:53 5
12. 6720 Shannon Neville WBG 52:29 5
Results for the Men's Grandmaster 50+
East - West
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
1. 6869 Sean Patrick Carver MGM 51:45 85
2. 608 Steven Elzinga MGM 56:37 75
3. 436 Chip Craft Pedal Power MGM 58:13 65
4. 6717 Mark Hallenbeck MGM 59:12 55
5. 464 David Lagrange Vail Health MGM 1:02:25 45
6. 465 Troy Lange MGM 1:04:59 35
7. 588 T Walters MGM 1:05:00 25
Results for the Men's Super Grandmaster 60+
East - West
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
1. 450 Paul Gotthelf Pedal Power MSM 58:46 75
2. 435 Philippe Courtois Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler MSM 1:01:19 60
3. 6876 Greg McKennis MSM 1:08:19 45
4. 434 Peter Clarke Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler MSM 1:08:36 30
Results for the Women's Vet Sport 30+
East - West
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
1. 448 Molly Gamble The Cycle Effect WVS 1:01:56 75
2. 440 Ashley Dentler Vail Health WVS 1:07:57 60
3. 492 Jennie Thorne Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler WVS 1:10:22 45
Results for the Women's Masters Sport 40+
East - West
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
1. 499 Beverly Smith Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler WMS 1:01:22 75
2. 495 Tanya Walker Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler WMS 1:04:54 60
3. 536 Nancy Mires Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler WMS 1:05:46 45
Results for the Men's Vet Sport 30+
East - West
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
1. 472 Scott McCorvey Vail Health MVS 46:44 75
2. 6868 Matt Razzo MVS 49:31 60
3. 437 Paul Datsko Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler MVS 52:15 45
Results for the Men's Masters Sport 40+
East - West
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
1. 531 Kyle Walker Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler MMS 49:21 75
2. 462 Adam Kowalski Vail Health MMS 50:05 60
3. 470 Matt Marshall MMS 1:04:27 45
Results for the Men's Sport
East - West
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
1. 573 Cole Weathers Vail Junior Cycling MSP 44:36 85
2. 575 Landen Stovall Vail Junior Cycling MSP 46:03 75
3. 176 Reiner Schmidt Vail Junior Cycling MSP 46:06 65
4. 500 Ethan Elzinga Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler MSP 47:07 55
5. 571 Garrett Moehring Vail Junior Cycling MSP 47:34 45
6. 595 Nash Lucas Vail Junior Cycling MSP 48:25 35
7. 502 Dillon Harlan Vail Junior Cycling MSP 49:42 25
8. 494 Michael Ulrich MSP 52:15 15
9. 6860 Luis Fernandez MSP 52:53 5
10. 6873 Greg Schultz Michigan Tech MSP 55:03 5
11. 6875 Michael Callahan MSP 56:19 5
12. 484 Ian Riebe MSP 1:00:35 5
13. 6702 Ryan Grunkemeyer MSP 1:01:13 5
14. 480 Mitchell Plath MSP 1:03:52 5
Results for the Women's Sport
East - West
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
1. 430 Harley Blevins The Cycle Effect WSP 55:52 75
2. 449 Izzy Glackin Vail Junior Cycling WSP 1:06:36 60
3. 459 Shaneis Kehoe Vail Health WSP 1:11:13 45
4. 439 Chelsea Dentler Vail Health WSP 1:12:31 30
Results for the Men's Single Speed
East - West
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
1. 555 Richard Knapp Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler MSS 1:08:45 75
2. 445 James Ellis Pedal Power MSS 1:11:14 60
3. 482 Jeffrey Rank Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler MSS 1:17:05 45
4. 6707 Battista Psenda Wilderness Sports MSS 1:18:56 30
5. 530 Marty Golembiewski Pedal Power MSS 1:29:53 15
Results for the Women's Single Speed
East - West
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
1. 478 Sarah Parrish Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler WSS 1:16:02 75
2. 559 Amy Owens No Shift Squad WSS 1:24:25 60
Results for the Men's Clydesdale
East - West
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
1. 451 David Hawkins Vail Health CLY 1:10:08 75
2. 613 Jason Lahrman Colorado Bike Service CLY 1:22:12 60
Results for the Men's Expert
East - West
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
1. 570 Aidan Duffy Vail Junior Cycling MEX 1:01:54 85
2. 553 Brandon Hansen Pedal Power MEX 1:06:14 75
3. 6713 Jeff Cheever Tokyo Joe’S - Yeti’S Grind MEX 1:08:34 65
4. 541 Alex Schultz The Kind Bikes And Skis MEX 1:08:43 55
5. 511 Kris Ochs Vail Health MEX 1:10:07 45
6. 581 Mack Dorf Vail Junior Cycling MEX 1:10:55 35
7. 544 Marshall Troutner Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler MEX 1:14:09 25
8. 496 Kyle Wilcox Vail Health MEX 1:15:44 15
9. 513 Geofrey Ochs Pedal Power MEX 1:16:47 5
Results for the Women's Expert
East - West
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
1. 533 Isabella Sargent Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler WEX 1:12:09 75
2. 512 Nicole Martin Pedal Power WEX 1:16:00 60
Results for the Men's Vet Expert 30+
East - West
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
1. 569 Michael Dorr East West Hospitality MVE 1:07:52 75
2. 460 Drew Knerl Vail Health MVE 1:10:40 60
3. 532 Mike Sherven Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler MVE 1:12:37 45
4. 457 Douglas Jimenez Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler MVE 1:12:46 30
5. 489 Ryan Simmons Vail Health MVE 1:16:49 15
Results for the Men's Masters Expert 40+
East - West
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
1. 601 Erik Dorf Vail Summit Ortho MME 1:08:04 85
2. 6721 Brad Zoller MME 1:10:35 75
3. 520 Adam Plummer Pedal Power MME 1:10:58 65
4. 442 Brett Donelson The Cycle Effect MME 1:12:56 55
5. 607 Mike Glass The Cycle Effect MME 1:14:02 45
6. 426 Brian Baker Pedal Power MME 1:14:24 35
7. 517 Mike Trueblood East West Hospitality MME 1:14:26 25
8. 6710 David Engle MME 1:36:41 15
Results for the Women's Masters Expert 40+
East - West
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
1. 506 Jennifer Razee East West Hospitality WME 1:07:35 75
2. 468 Katie MacFarlane Pedal Power WME 1:09:11 60
3. 508 Heidi Trueblood East West Hospitality WME 1:13:23 45
4. 463 Pavan Krueger Pedal Power WME 1:16:22 30
Results for the Men's Grandmaster Expert 50+
East - West
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
1. 554 Stephen White Pedal Power MGE 1:08:10 75
2. 528 Robert Moehring Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler MGE 1:11:09 60
3. 597 Ron Gruber Pedal Power MGE 1:16:55 45
4. 542 Charlie Brown Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler MGE 1:23:52 30
5. 6866 Esteban Lipsher Wilderness Sports MGE 1:31:50 15
Results for the Men's Pro Elite
East - West
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
1. 501 Cristhian Ravelo Dusty Boot/Mtn Pedaler/Tokyo J MPE 58:57 85
2. 540 Josiah Middaugh Pedal Power MPE 59:19 75
3. 583 Jay Henry Pedal Power MPE 1:01:34 65
4. 458 Tyler Jones The Kind Bikes And Skis MPE 1:03:50 55
5. 543 Sam Brown Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler MPE 1:05:23 45
6. 562 David Sanders-KuleszaVail Junior Cycling MPE 1:07:52 35
7. 510 Liam Clevenger Vail Junior Cycling MPE 1:12:41 25
Results for the Women's Pro Elite
East - West
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point
===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= =====
1. 454 Rebecca Howland Pedal Power WPE 1:14:55 85
2. 444 Tamara Donelson The Cycle Effect WPE 1:16:25 75
3. 505 Casey Richter Pedal Power WPE 1:17:18 65
4. 534 Marlee Dixon Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler WPE 1:18:55 55
5. 565 Gretchen Reeves Pedal Power/Tokyo Joes WPE 1:19:35 45
6. 6722 Ezra Smith Pivot WPE 1:23:30 35
7. 490 Brittany Spangler Dusty Boot / Mountain Pedaler WPE 1:25:51 25