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Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= ===== 1. 7177 Carter Ingoldsby Ingoldsby BB8 23:47 100 2. 7167 Zander Coleman BB8 23:47 85 3. 7101 Holis Ames BB8 23:49 80 4. 7164 Cayle Brummer BB8 23:49 75 5. 7105 Fer Dosal Mexas BB8 29:31 70 6. 7173 Santiago GutiéRrez Santi G BB8 29:36 65 7. 7118 Hudson Leonard Leonar BB8 38:06 60
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= ===== 1. 7096 Bryanna Loya GB8 36:52 100 2. 316 Renata Raynal GB8 38:02 85
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= ===== 1. 7179 Peter Kan BS8 19:33 100 2. 7110 Patricio Sanchez/HerrMexas BS8 21:32 85 3. 7107 Henry Gira BS8 23:50 80
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= ===== 1. 7176 Hudson Huggins GS8 20:55 100 2. 226 Katie Lombardi GS8 21:39 85 3. 280 Hayden McGuire The Cycle Effect Edwards GS8 21:42 80
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= ===== 1. 7170 Jolene Edelmann Vail Junior Cycling GB1 19:17 100 2. 7145 Mari Renick Vail Junior Cycling GB1 19:56 85 3. 7194 Kyler Weatherred GB1 20:36 80 4. 231 Norah Cummins The Cycle Effect GB1 20:38 75 5. 7178 Olivia Ingoldsby Ingoldsby GB1 21:43 70 6. 7195 Riley Weatherred GB1 21:45 65 7. 267 Kiana Garcia The Cycle Effect GB1 22:32 60 8. 249 Kasandra Cortes The Cycle Effect GB1 22:53 55 9. 7135 Lauren Hopkins Vail Junior Cycling GB1 24:06 50 10. 237 Sofia Martinez The Cycle Effect GB1 24:53 45 11. 248 Valeria Chavez The Cycle Effect GB1 25:51 40 12. 270 Maria Herrera The Cycle Effect GB1 25:58 35 13. 246 Hanna Ponce The Cycle Effect GB1 25:59 30 14. 233 Natasha Gonzalez The Cycle Effect GB1 26:00 25 15. 7188 Iris Sheldon GB1 26:05 20 16. 236 Sage Leffler The Cycle Effect GB1 26:06 15 17. 234 Belen Hahn The Cycle Effect GB1 26:31 10 18. 269 Rosa Vela The Cycle Effect GB1 26:43 5 19. 252 Jetzibe Salazar The Cycle Effect GB1 28:18 5 20. 229 Stella Hawkins Howard Head/Vail Health GB1 29:37 5 21. 241 Elizabeth Sura The Cycle Effect GB1 31:22 5 22. 7157 River Close The Cycle Effect GB1 31:24 5 23. 274 Kelly Garay The Cycle Effect GB1 33:13 5 24. 273 Julieta Vela The Cycle Effect GB1 33:28 5 25. 7185 Paula Ycaza GB1 39:10 5 26. 235 Eva Isaacs The Cycle Effect GB1 45:17 5
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= ===== 1. 7182 Silas Lovgren BB1 16:34 100 2. 7155 Brendan Odonnell Vssa Comp BB1 17:14 85 3. 7237 Bode Cobb Team Keep Er Movin’ BB1 17:31 80 4. 7198 Simon Cox BB1 19:00 75 5. 7140 Brady McBride Vail Junior Cycling BB1 19:35 70 6. 7180 Oliver Kullberger BB1 19:42 65 7. 7131 William Erickson BB1 19:53 60 8. 7156 Yaro Veitch BB1 20:05 55 9. 7152 Enzo Napoli BB1 20:21 50 10. 7141 Henry McBride Vail Junior Cycling BB1 23:03 45 11. 7159 Fermin Perochena BB1 38:24 40 12. 7184 Jeronimo Ycaza BB1 38:25 35 13. 7160 IñIgo Perochena BB1 39:07 30
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= ===== 1. 247 Ana Paula Raynal The Cycle Effect GS1 39:19 100 2. 262 Tatum Wells The Cycle Effect GS1 39:20 85 3. 232 Daira Garcia The Cycle Effect GS1 41:12 80 4. 244 Carla Hahn The Cycle Effect GS1 41:58 75 5. 279 Alexa McGuire GS1 44:31 70 6. 240 Vespera Steiner The Cycle Effect GS1 48:03 65 7. 271 Sophia Scott The Cycle Effect GS1 48:22 60 8. 250 Elizabeth Medina The Cycle Effect GS1 53:13 55
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= ===== 1. 281 Jack Sargent BS1 36:34 100 2. 7104 Alex Current BS1 36:56 85 3. 7111 Henry Schafer BS1 37:23 80 4. 7127 Dylan Blair BS1 37:26 75 5. 7175 Cooper Huggins BS1 38:26 70 6. 7128 Tyler Blair BS1 39:14 65 7. 242 Colin Glackin Vail Junior Cycling BS1 42:11 60 8. 260 Noah Flach Vssa BS1 43:08 55 9. 7244 Eric Asselin BS1 44:55 50
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= ===== 1. 7186 Andres Ycaza BB5 26:39 100
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= ===== 1. 228 Lily Carullo The Cycle Effect GB5 50:53 100 2. 254 Tailea Jones The Cycle Effect GB5 1:04:57 85
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= ===== 1. 693 Theo Krueger Pedal Power MBG 30:28 100 2. 632 Andrew Lombardi MBG 30:33 85 3. 7136 Tyler Hopkins Vail Junior Cycling MBG 30:37 80 4. 7112 Josh Thies MBG 32:14 75 5. 644 Kevin Christian East West Hospitality/Athletic MBG 33:04 70 6. 676 Peter Barclay The Cycle Effect MBG 33:49 65 7. 7153 Jason Napoli MBG 36:36 60 8. 687 Ivo Ivanov Howard Head Sports Medicine MBG 38:09 55 9. 7134 Kevin Hopkins MBG 38:10 50 10. 7196 Shawn Weatherred MBG 41:58 45
Place Bib Name Team Cat Time Point ===== ==== ==================== ============================== === ======= ===== 1. 7146 Molly Roberts Vail Junior Cycling WBG 36:47 100 2. 276 Fernanda Jove Luna The Cycle Effect WBG 41:32 85 3. 253 Daniela Sandoval The Cycle Effect WBG 42:29 80